The turns a portion of the

The turns a portion of the , the money sent directly to , into a * * & is endorsed by . It also includes just over $9B in aid for , the , Ukraine & other places in need, which have demanded as a condition of any support from them.
signaled Wed evening that there would probably be an amendment to the package to strip the , which he said he has concerns with.
the good *Christian*

in signs of trouble late Wed, the Rules Cmte failed to approve the bill because 3 on the panel Reps , , & refused to support it, meaning the panel adjourned w/o action. Democrats have no interest in backing the border proposal.
The 3 separate bills that fund for , & largely mirror the $95B -passed supplemental.

leadership announced that the would stay in session until Sat to consider the bills.
good friggin luck
The new approach is risky & is already blowing up on the speaker, whois being threatened by to invoke a motion to vacate to topple if he puts on the floor, something to which many aka consumers of & lackeys object.

Speaker is plowing ahead on a plan that has roiled his conference & prompted 2 to push an effort to oust him.
But instead of the complex 4-part plan he floated this week, Johnson now intends to try to pass 5 bills 1 each for to , , & allies, a wish list of priorities & a 5thto address widespread Republican demands.

According to the United Nations, the Palestinians need $2.8 billion to recover:

Please give as you can.


Billions more in overseas aid needed to avert climate disaster, say economists (IMF)

Billions more in overseas aid needed to avert climate disaster, say economists (IMF)

What you will find the least of in is .

"Israeli aid group helping to provide thousands of tents for Gazans report"

"SmartAid founder Shachar Zahavi, whose organization has provided relief in conflicts all over the world, says group felt a moral obligation as Jews to also help 'our enemies'"

Humanitarian in is constantly being blocked by all the

With the international community having pledged more than 2 billion in funding for Sudan at a humanitarian conference in Paris on Monday, Norwegian Refugee Council Sudan Advocacy Manager Mathilde Vu breaks down the worsening humanitarian crisis in a country devastated by a year of brutal fighting.

Speaker s job is in serious jeopardy as members are threatening to oust him after the leader proposed a complex plan intended to key foreign during wartime.
Johnson introduced a 4-part prop Mon night to decouple for , which faced a barrage of missiles & drone threats from over the weekend, & help for in its fight against , along w/2 other measures.

House speaker to push for passage of stalled US aid bill
thead id="30587"

The U.S. Capitol building. Image-U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday he will try to push forward wartime aid for Israel this week as part of his effort to gain House approval for a national security package. It includes funding for Ukraine in its defensive...

is given to everyone, only to some.

Sympathy shifted to Israel: many fear Iran attack has distracted aid effort

The US seems so preoccupied that officials are barely keeping track of shipments they last week said were a priority

pledges more as leaders push for funding on anniversary.

Its death there: babies and children hit hardest as tightens hold on

Estimated 27 children killed by famine, with fears many more will suffer lifelong effects, despite s promise of more

The food is there the is there, the won't let the people eat it and kill those who get close. It's that fucking simple

Its death there: babies and children hit hardest as famine tightens hold on

Estimated 27 children killed by famine, with fears many more will suffer lifelong effects, despite Israels promise of more aid

Europe live: over 1bn to be pledged for Sudan at Paris conference on first anniversary of war

The US Foreign Assistance Map

"The Foreign Assistance Trends map provides a really interesting overview of the changing geo-political priorities of the United States over time."

How did a Spanish chef gain a hotline to the White House

It is frustrating to watch these moronic attempts to supply aid to the famine stricken in Gaza.
Only the strong get hold of these parachute drops.

troops advance in as runs low on air

As Ukrainian officials plead for more Western and a U.S. package remains stalled in , is advancing on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine, seizing new territory and intensifying attacks to capture the town of Chasiv Yar and others in the region.


How did a Spanish chef gain a hotline to the White House -Gazawar

Trump is not the president , period.

Were looking at it right now, and theyre talking about it, and were thinking about making it in the form of a loan instead of just a gift, Trump said during an appearance alongside Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) at the former presidents Mar-a-Lago estate.

still not reaching , as top official warns has started

becomes first US official to confirm famine, while aid workers decry continuing lack of help

: the obstacles to Gaza aid deliveries visual guide


Today on the last day of Eid we launch our website to help raise support for individuals and families seeking safe harbor out of Gaza

" "100% der Bevlkerung des Gazastreifens leidet unter akuter Ernhrungsunsicherheit... bentigen humanitre ", sagte Blinken.

Nach Angaben des Gesundheitsministeriums des Gazastreifens wurden durch israelischen Beschuss und Bodenoffensiven mindestens 33.360 Palstinenser im gettet und 74.993 verletzt, wobei zwei Drittel der Toten und sind."

Not safe to deliver aid.

Irans leaders have repeatedly vowed to punish for an April 1 strike in that killed several snr Iranian commanders. Israel has put its military on alert, & said on Wed that was threatening a significant attack.

Gen the American commander, will coordinate w/Israel on what is widely expected to be imminent retaliatory action by Iran & will also discuss the against in & operations there.

Hes also successfully nudging most to accept his call to abandon a national standard what was once a consensus position in the . Thats on top of s long-standing opposition to new , which remains stalled on the Hill.

So far, Trump is showing more proclivity for blocking GOP policy proposals than shaping them affirmatively, such as the bipartisan deal that he stopped earlier this year.

Read the list of items Israel will not allow into Gaza. Read it and weep. The callous disregard the Zionist regime has for needy Palestinians is absolutely appalling and unquestionably evil.

Oh, shoot, the French know which part is the ground and which part is the water!

(Unlike a certain other country who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty party.)

Spending foreign aid budget on refugees in UK wreaking havoc

today is day. Happy Aid!

On aid and more... This contradicts what the Israeli propaganda machine tells the world about all the aid going into Gaza ... maybe they mean all the aid that would go into Gaza if they didn't do their utmost to stop it.

Brati a sestry, pejeme krsn svtek du-l-fitr vm i vaim rodinm! A Bh pijme v pst, zajist vm bezpe, prosperitu a a mete oslavit tento svtek se svmi nejblimi.

Brothers and sisters, we wish you and your families a wonderful Idu-l-Fitr holiday! May God accept your fasting! May God provide you with safety and prosperity so you can celebrate the holiday with your loved ones.

Veille de lAd : des nocturnes comme rampe de lancement pour jeunes cratrices -el-fitr

New Golf Training Aid to Learn the Timing of the Release

from gift article expires in 30 days
--Under U.S. pressure, said more aid would go to Gaza. Is that happening--

the article is down from the one displayed on Mastodon

Short answer - *no*

Palestinian Relief Bundle

Hundreds of indie game dev creators are working together for this bundle. All proceeds go to PCRF, the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!