The COP29 climate summit ran into overtime on Friday, after a draft deal that proposed developed nations take the lead in providing $250 billion in annual climate finance by 2035 drew criticism from all sides.
Mutual Aid Request!
My girlfriend is a struggling artisan in BC working multiple part time jobs but struggling to make ends meet due to rising costs, insufficient wages, long covid, and disordered sleep. A postal strike is also affecting many small businesses like hers at this time of year, which they normally rely on to get them through the next few months. Anything to help keep her fed and housed so she can keep working and get through this slump would be so greatly appreciated.
Linked below are my PayPal and CashApp asking for mutual aid was my idea, and we decided it would be easier for me to be a go-between to keep her bookkeeping as tidy as possible.
CashApp: $witchfynder
is the recourse of foreign.
If you like to read about more reactions on the ICC ruling by NGOs and human rights organizations, bookmark the MEE live :
Live updates
MSF aid workers heartbroken as charity forced to halt services in Haitian capital after repeated attacks -au-Prince
so i might be getting my clearance letter for top surgery so this TDoV cis people should give me even just $5 in celebration (if they can)
(i'm broke and i would like to get my bank out of the $50 overdraft so i can buy groceries tomorrow)
Virtually no has reached north in 40 days, says
Displaced families in DR Congo face daily struggle for survival
Mwamini Sebororo is among millions of Congolese who have been internally displaced in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo as conflict continues in the region. A worsening humanitarian crisis is testing the resilience of displaced people and the generosity of host
communities there.
November 19th 2024: 115 blankets to families in Yarmouk Stadium, 350 1-kilo meals of rice and chickpeas to al-Zaytoun, 6000 liters of water, 150 packages of bread.
"Translating Falasteen (Palestine), in collaboration with The Sameer Project, launched a fundraising campaign to support families in Gaza facing severe hardships. Our mission is to provide essential aid to those who need it most, especially families with specific and urgent needs. The aid is bought from existing products in the market and is NOT being brought in through any border."
in are being looted. On the breakdown of civil order, bombed about, and overseen, by the army of :
Sources working in Gaza say the armed attacks take place just a few hundred meters away from Israeli troops. Some aid groups say attacked truck drivers have even sought help from the IDF, but the army has refused to intervene. Moreover, they say, the army bars them from taking alternate roads that are considered safer.
Around a kilometer from Kerem Shalom, shortly before the eastern neighborhoods of , there's an area that the army calls "the zone." This is where most of the looting of aid trucks takes place. Yet the area is under full control of the , with troops stationed just hundreds of meters, and sometimes less, from the roadblocks the armed men erect on the road.
Here's some good news... An entire gang of collaborators with who steal were eliminated today in . A Palestinian resistance fighter launched an anti-armor shell at a vehicle carrying members of one of the largest crime gangs managed by Israel in the southern Gaza Strip. This gang was responsible for stealing 109 out of 150 aid trucks yesterday. 22 members of these Israeli-backed crime gangs and war profiteers were killed by the Sahm Unit Arrow Unit 2 nights ago.
: / /
The first day of the two-day G20 summit () in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with leaders adopting a final declaration. The document, published by the host nation, stresses the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian Gaza Strip and calls for the lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance, but refrains from mentioning Israel and Egypt, which control the borders.
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Heute geht es um:
Ich werde wahnsinnig. Die Wahl der richtigen Insulinpumpe. Neues System oder bei der aktuellen bleiben
Vor knapp 3 Wochen bin ich mehr oder weniger komplett aus den Latschen gekippt. Die Firma Tandem hat mich darauf hingewiesen, dass meine ersten 4 Jahre mit meiner Insulinpumpe nun vorber sind. Damit habe ich, um ehrlich zu sein, berhaupt nicht gerechnet. Ich habe immer noch das Gefhl, als htte ich die Pumpe gestern erhalten. Das heit fr mich in erster Linie, dass ich mir Gedanken machen muss, wie es weitergeht.
Was ich komplett vergessen habe, dass man sich 4 Jahre an eine Firma und ein System bindet. Nach den 4 Jahren ist es leider so, dass man bei Problemen keinen Anspruch auf Ersatz hat, sofern das Gert einen Defekt hat. Warum das so ist, wei ich nicht. Die Krankenkasse gewhrt im Rahmen der 4 Jahre sozusagen die komplette bernahme der Kosten bei Garantiefllen.
Das bedeutet fr mich momentan:
Genau hier liegen meine Probleme. Ein Defekt kann immer schnell passieren und dann stehe ich erst einmal komplett ohne Pumpe da. Wieder auf die Pens zurckgehen ist keine Option, da die Lebensqualitt extrem darunter leiden wrde. Schwierig wird es nur, da ich jetzt noch andere Systeme angeboten bekommen habe. Diese haben alle ihre Vor- und Nachteile. Nur was soll ich nehmen
Die Qual der Wahl
Meine Insulinpumpe: Tslim X2 von TandemUm eines gleich vorneweg zu nehmen. Ich bin an sich sehr zufrieden mit dem System, welches ich derzeit nutze. Die Firma Tandem hat mit der Tslim X2 eine tolle Pumpe auf den Markt gebracht. Doch wie bei den meisten Dingen hat sie leider auch ein paar Nachteile. Gravierend finde ich sie zwar nicht, doch dafr umso nerviger. Informationen zu den Konkurrenzprodukten habe ich gengend gesammelt und verglichen. Doch eine Entscheidung habe ich bedauerlicherweise bisher nicht treffen knnen.
Ein groer Vorteil ist und war, dass ich von den mir angebotenen Systemen direkt die meisten ablehnen konnte, da sie mich in keiner Weise angesprochen haben. Sei es durch das Design in Form eines Ziegelsteins oder dem Fehlen von bestimmten Infusionssets. Ohne Stahlkanlen nutze ich selbst keine Pumpe mehr, da die regulren Teflon-Kanlen bei mir immer undicht geworden sind. Schon einmal gut fr mich, da man sich um weniger Punkte Gedanken machen muss.
Leider trifft das nicht fr das letzte System zu.
Tslim X2 oder die MyLife Ypso Pump
MyLife Ypso PumpDie Ypso Pump hat als grtes Argument die CamAPS Untersttzung fr einen sogenannten Closed Loop. Das heit, die Pumpe regelt komplett von allein die Menge an Insulin, die bentigt wird, und korrigiert jede 10 Minuten, falls ntig. Der Algorithmus lernt mit der Zeit dazu und kann, je lnger man ihn nutzt, ohne selbst einzugreifen, immer genauer werden. Dadurch, dass ca. 3 Stunden im Voraus geplant und jede 10 Minuten kontrolliert wird, wird auch der Zielbereich lnger gehalten. Da mein Blutzucker je nach Schicht extrem schwanken kann, wre dies ein Traum. So oft wie der Algorithmus die Insulinabgaben anpasst, kann der Mensch gar nicht mithalten. Geschweige den, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, um alles zu kontrollieren.
Meine Tslim X2 hat zwar auch ein Closed Loop System, welches aber nicht so feinfhlig ist wie die von CamAPS. In meinem Fall wird knapp 30 Minuten in die Zukunft geschaut. Sollte mein Blutzuckerwert einen bestimmten Wert erreichen, wird die Dosierung erhht oder gesenkt. Sollte er komplett aus dem Ruder laufen, wird auch automatisch eine Abschaltung eingeleitet oder einfach Insulin nachgespritzt.
Klingt an sich genau gleich, findet ihr nicht auch
Leider ist das so, dass sich die Pumpe aber nur in bestimmten festgelegten Rahmen bewegt. Dieser wird vom Patienten definiert. Entweder man liegt gut oder komplett falsch. Das System lernt nicht dazu. Es hilft zwar, den Zucker im Rahmen zu halten, aber man muss trotzdem oft nachprfen und justieren. Fairerweise muss man sagen, dass es bei mir seinen Dienst zu 80 % absolut super macht. Ausrutscher gibt es nur, wenn mein Dnermann mir was zu essen gibt. Da hilft kein Algorithmus mehr.
Pro und Kontra
Ein Wechsel klappt natrlich nicht sofort. Ein paar Schulungen werden wieder fllig und vor allem muss man sich berlegen, ob die positiven Dinge meiner momentanen Pumpe der neuen das Wasser reichen knnen. Vielleicht klingt es etwas dmmlich, aber der bessere Algorithmus ist einfach so ein starker Punkt, dass ich nicht wei, ob er mich beim Wechsel wirklich halten wrde. Viele kleine Dinge gibt es, die mich irgendwie nicht berzeugen. Wohlgemerkt, dass ich die nchsten 4 Jahre damit leben msste. Ob ich mchte oder nicht.
Hier ein paar Punkte, die mich derzeit berlegen lassen.
Ich bin unentschlossen
Eigentlich sollte man der Meinung sein, dass die Entscheidung hier recht simpel ist. Leider falsch gedacht. Trotz der greren Menge an Dingen, die mir nicht zusagen, kann ich mich nicht entscheiden. Der Algorithmus der neuen Pumpe ist um einiges anpassbarer und praktischer fr meinen Alltag.
Wie ich mich kenne, wird mir das Negative wahrscheinlich sehr schnell auf den Wecker gehen. Allein bei der Menge an Insulin muss ich jeden zweiten Tag wieder alles frisch machen. Die Zeitersparnis bei der neuen ist zwar dann vorhanden, doch die Hufigkeit des Wechselns nimmt das positive wieder weg.
Jetzt liegt es an mir, was ich mchte. Bin hier tatschlich unentschlossen, da 4 Jahre eine lange Zeit sein knnen, wenn man ein Problem mit seinem aktuellen System hat. Wie ich mich entscheiden werde, ist noch ungewiss. Sobald eine Entscheidung getroffen wurde, gibt es ein kleines Update.
Hier geht es direkt zum Beitrag:
#AID #ClosedLoop #Diabetes #DiabetesTyp1 #Insulinpumpe #Smartsystem #Therapie
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A U.N. memo obtained by The Post concluded that gangs may be benefiting from a passive if not active benevolence or protection from Israels military.
Journalist Abubaker Abed explains to Drop Site News that has armed gangs in who hijack shipments and resell the supplies at exorbitant prices. The gangs operate under the protection of IOF quadcopters.
Abed emphasized that Israel has systematically targeted & killed civilian local security forces responsible for safeguarding aid. By eliminating them & enabling gangs to create chaos, Israel shifts blame for aid disruptions onto the resulting disorder.
X-rays show shrapnel and bullets buried in children caught in Sudan war
Potential cutting of US military to isnt as catastrophic as one might think. It would be bad, but it would also open options Ukraine isnt currently taking due to it being bad for US economy, especially gas prices. Trump would hate that.
US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib calls out Biden administration after passes
"Biden cannot pick and choose when to comply with laws".
US Representative Rashida Tlaib strongly criticized the administration for requiring blocking arms to nations blocking aid to civilians after it failed to meet US demands to increase aid supplies within a 30-day deadline and called on State Secretary Anthony Blinken to resign.
Being an expert on global warming from an African nation prone to disaster can depress Joyce Kimutai during the creaking COP climate summits, where politics often drowns out science.
$80/250 Thank you!
While I have been at my new job fore just over 2 months, I am still not going often enough for my checks to cover all expenses. It is getting closer every month, but we're not there yet.
Due to this, I am in need of at least 200-250 dollars to cover bills for the next two weeks.
1) #156 for electric bill, some of which is already past due I am concerned with being served a disconnect notice. This would be bad because I use a CPAP, and I need power to run the machine properly.
2) the rest is for other miscellaneous expenses that may come in after the electric bill comes due.
cashapp: $rowansong
venmo: rowansong
Zelle available upon DM request.
Thanks a bunch, y'all.
$80/250, thank you!
While I have been at my new job fore just over 2 months, I am still not going often enough for my checks to cover all expenses. It is getting closer every month, but we're not there yet.
Due to this, I am in need of at least 200-250 dollars to cover bills for the next two weeks.
1) #156 for electric bill, some of which is already past due I am concerned with being served a disconnect notice. This would be bad because I use a CPAP, and I need power to run the machine properly.
2) the rest is for other miscellaneous expenses that may come in after the electric bill comes due.
cashapp: $rowansong
venmo: rowansong
Zelle available upon DM request.
Thanks a bunch, y'all.
$80/250, thank you!
While I have been at my new job fore just over 2 months, I am still not going often enough for my checks to cover all expenses. It is getting closer every month, but we're not there yet.
Due to this, I am in need of at least 200-250 dollars to cover bills for the next two weeks.
1) #156 for electric bill, some of which is already past due I am concerned with being served a disconnect notice. This would be bad because I use a CPAP, and I need power to run the machine properly.
2) the rest is for other miscellaneous expenses that may come in after the electric bill comes due.
cashapp: $rowansong
Zelle available upon DM request.
Thanks a bunch, y'all.
Ukraines demographic crisis threatens its future viability as a free state
With deliberately being cut off, and sealed off, by , just about any form of access, no matter how shaky and temporary, has become vital for
With most of the infrastructure in Gaza destroyed, mobile phone accounts in the shape of * are one of the last remaining means to communicate. They log into neighboring Egypt and Israeli mobile networks, wherever possible (mostly in the South of Gaza).
is providing eSIMs to the groups mentioned above. They're reliable and legit **. Consider donating to them.
* An eSIM is a virtual SIM that can be sent as a QR code, rather than a physical SIM that is next to impossible to get into Gaza, at the moment.
** More context:
Adoption and use of author identifier services : A French national survey - Boudry - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library
Article en Open Access "to guide and support researchers more efficiently in the use of these tools
More than 30% of them said they either required an introduction to or practical training in these tools
and were by far the two best known"
A new Israeli law banning the U.N. Palestinian relief agency from operating in its territory is due to come into effect in January, and it could deny thousands of people in Gaza their main source of aid.
(Part of a set, please see thread)
It has been pointed out that the nature of accounts asking for varies broadly: some are otherwise very active, others have nothing but posts.
What are people's opinions on the amount of activity an account should have for them to
Please comment in the replies, but remember to be respectful: this is a controversial subject, and I want to gather information, not fight.
Humanitarian crisis in at its worst level CNN Correspondent Arwa Damon FRANCE 24 English
The US ignoring its own ultimatum is worse than never having issued it in the first place. The message it sends is that Israel does not even have to pretend to comply.
s Calls Him a
Musk, who reportedly spent over 40 Billion dollars to s , his on and blamed the for her .
IDF meldet Hilfslieferungen fr Nord-Gaza
Zwecks Dokumentation. Sonst ohne weiteren Kommentar.
Trump ripples, Somalias debt cancellation, and the quiet polio report: The Cheat Sheet
A weekly read to keep you in the loop on humanitarian issues.
The New Humanitarian puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. Find out more at
Full article
(Published on NOV-08)
Updates to the Humanitarian API (HAPI) from the :
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries
s is one of my with kids! I how they children in so many ways and how they help to .
WFP said it reached only 42 percent of the 1.1 million people targeted for food assistance in October due to a lack of supplies and access.
Tell the to to . They are and in and places. They are and people, stopping . They are . And and .