Slovak President Zuzana aputov has rejected

Slovak President Zuzana aputov has rejected the release of further to Ukraine by her country's caretaker government, according to a report by AP. reasoned that the current government has limited powers after losing a confidence vote in parliament in June. aputov pointed out that after Saturday's parliamentary elections, parties opposed to military aid to were currently negotiating to form a government.

An algorithm-powered poverty assessment formula used by 40 countries around the world aims to make payments fairer and more efficient, by targeting them to those most in need, but researchers say algorithmic tools often wrongly exclude people.


steps up support against aggression. New military package for includes goggles, satellite terminals, tank tractors, vehicles, ammo, and more. Building security capacity with 5.4 billion euros in 2023 and 10.5 billion euros for future years.

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Myanmar residents of Japan have held a fundraising event in Tokyo to help provide support for the approximately 2 million people displaced in the military's crackdown in the country.

The drumbeat of from these members & their amen chorus in the is having an effect: An Economist/YouGov poll released last week found a slight uptick among all voters for reducing military to , but for the first time found that a majority of now support such reductions. Fortunately, overalleven many voters in the are still holding firm in their support for Ukraine in its fight against .

averted the self-inflicted wound of a this weekend. The main casualty of the process was for , but foreign aid was always a fig leaffor both & the determination of a small group of Republicans to help .

s Next Target: Support for

Putin intends to try to end US & European support for Ukraine by using his agencies to push supporting pro-Russian political parties & by stoking w/ new .

The aims to increase support for opposing Ukraine w/the ultimate goal of stopping international to .

order maximization of

The U.S. sent help to Ukraine
But what if that aid was removed
It'd be a disaster
Colonel Leighton's master
For Russia's victory would soon be assumed

Sen (R-OH) said Saturday night that a fight over to is still looming. My sense is my colleagues in the are much more skeptical of limitless Ukraine funding than my colleagues in the , said. And what that means is any Ukraine funding package is going to be dead on arrival in the House.


Just hours before a potential , & in the passed a 45-day w/ funds, an extension of a federal program & reauthorization but no . Saturdays passage in the ended a weeks-long debate over govt . The eventually ditched its own to pass a version.

The Senate vote was 88-9.

consideration of the bill that was passed by the is being by Senator Michael , of Colorado, his colleagues say. Bennet reportedly wants a promise of quick consideration of to .

The Senate version of the included
> $6 billion in Ukraine aid.

Senators say the leadership is working on a written commitment. But a long delay could trigger a if the Senate doesnt act by midnight.

Sen. Amy (D-MN) said have concluded that to is their top goal, adding that aid negotiations will be saved for a supplemental request.
I believe theres a bunch of who are w/ Ukraine. The big test is going to be what happens w/the supplemental & what happens in the next few weeks, she said.

Well do everything we can make sure that to is uninterrupted, & I think thats more than possible to do, Sen Richard (D-CN) said after leaving a meeting of .
Blumenthal said theres still no set path for how this additional would be secured, adding that the Senate will continue negotiating the aid over the next few days.

The lone to vote against the s recently passed short-term spending bill to fund the federal government was Rep. Mike Quigley. The 45-day CR does not include . represents one of the largest Ukrainian communities in & is co-chair of the .

passes short-term funding bill w/ hours until

Just hours before a potential govt , & reached a deal in the House that includes a 45-day w/ funds, an extension of a federal prgm & reauthorization but no .
Unclear where things stand in the , where a procedural vote on the chambers measure had yet to be called.

UK outspends rest of Europe on housing asylum seekers by at least 40% a person

18 were Thurs after occupying the office of Speaker to demand action to avert a .
The protesters said they were particularly concerned about the looming because the is already delaying billions in to conserve money in the face of season.

The on Tues advanced a to continue the at current level into mid-Nov, which would also provision some of the billions of dollars President seeks for US to & for . But Speaker swiftly rejected that idea, telling his conference in a closed-door meeting Wednesday that he would not put the bill on the floor in its current form.

US Halts Gabon Aid After Military Takeover

Reaches Deal to Head Off

An agreement between Senate & would keep agencies open through mid-November & provide in for & .

But . (yeah, them)

Limiting in a could give Speaker a lifeline in the .
But its unclear whether would put even a clean CR on the House floor if its unable to pass w/only votes bc that could lead a group of whove been making his life hell to try to oust him.

He could try again to convince to pass their own CR although a bill that could pass the House along party lines would probably never clear the .

leadership is nearing an agreement on a . Theyll vote tonight to move on to a bill that would house a CR.Negotiations have revolved around how clean to make the CR limiting the amt of other priorities such as & .
But the admin is pushing back against not inclg at least some Ukraine funding perhaps proportional to how long it funds the gov. The WHs ask for Ukraine aid was meant to cover the next 3 mos, but any CR is expected to be shorter.

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W/the in chaos, senators of both parties were deep in negotiations on Monto head off a this wknd through a stopgap measure & whether to include additional to in the .

Sens & snr staff engaged in intense discussions over the past few days on how to proceed given the House impassew/the taking steps toward an emergency spending bill that would keep dollars flowing to federal agencies after the current fiscal year ends at midnight Sat.

Russian state outlets also came swiftly to s defense after he was dismissed by last April, w/headlines like Carlson fired over fearless reporting. The Russian outlets also amplified reports of congressional turning against -supplied to Ukraine something that could vastly increase s chances of scoring a victory in the dragged-out, grinding .

Rossiya 24 is s leading news channel, & the hosts of its talk shows spend hours drumming into their audiences that , not , is to blame for the brutal , and that will accomplish nothing other than helping Zelensky fight until the last Ukrainian.

takes a dubbing in debut show

The blustering American TV personality Tucker Carlson has lambasted the for sending too much to , called Ukraine President Volodymyr sweaty & rat-like & given credence to Russias baseless justifications for its .

Many of NJs most prominent Dem ldrs have called on to step down. On Mon morning, he appeared at the lectern alone.

The depicted a far-reaching web of involving & sales to & efforts by Menendez to persuade state & federal prosecutors to go easy on his assocs in 3 cases.

Menendez was chair of the Cmte until stepping aside on Fri, as required by rules the adopted to govern themselves.

Post-Summer Aid Delivery Update.

Our latest update, sent to contributors and posted on our page.

The shadowy Chinese firm that owns chunks of Cambodia
China's economic footprint in Cambodia now dwarfs that of any other country. It provides half of all direct investment and most of its foreign aid.

visits ahead of trips to the &

President Volodymyr Zelensky is set to meet w/ President on Thurs in the Ukrainian leaders 3d visit to the WH. His packed schedule also includes meetings at Congress & the Pentagon, while Biden seeks approval for an additional $24 billion in to .

Our focus is obviously medical support, however sometimes we also assist in other ways.

A relative of one of the collective's members is currently in the Bakhmut sector. He's just finished a rotation on the front line and is now in the rear for a short time.

We sent him two boxes with camping gas. They use these to cook when in the trenches. Each bottle should last his squad about two days.

In , meanwhile, a growing faction of the Party is rebelling against further spending on military for , following s lead in questioning whether it should be an American priority. Although most & a significant portion of remain staunchly behind , the blowback among may be enough to derail an effort to approve a supplemental package of aid for .

s front page / top news, tonight:
#MilitaryAid for #Ukraine
Federal #Defense Minister Boris #Pistorius announces 400 million Euro aid package
Expected total for 2023: 5.4B
Last years total: 2B
Estimate for 2024 / 2025: 10.5B
Looks like the #refugees on #Lampedusa and #Lesbos island will have to wait for their fair share of humanitarian #aid, and so do German #children (2B basic security for the most needy ones for next year was recently celebrated as a big success by the #Ampel government headed by Chancellor Olaf #Scholz).
#Germany #Migrants #Kindergrundsicherung
#OlafScholz #BorisPistorius

What questions does Britain face today
Will Laura Kuenssberg have her say
On China's stance, and aid to give
In disaster-hit regions where lives grieve
Cleverly's answer will be key
He'll set the course of history

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr is set to travel to next week after a gathering of world leaders at the General Assembly in NY.
Zelenskys visit to Capitol Hill is tentatively scheduled for Thurs. The trip was coordinated w/the admin in a joint push to reinforce the importance to granting the s supplemental request for more than $24B in additional to .

When the education ministry named Tohoku University as the first recipient of a 10 trillion new university endowment fund, it came as a shock to Japan's academic community.