"Why protesters block aid convoys at

"Why protesters block aid convoys at Kerem Shalom"

"We know that most of the humanitarian aid goes to the Hamas terrorists, enabling them to fight another week with fuel and food."

blocks deal future of , Israel unclear

The Senate voted down a sweeping & border reform package on Wed after most & a handful of to reject the their leadership helped negotiate.
The included >$60B in for as it fends off s invasion & $14B for in its war in , & has long been a top natl security priority for .

Ukraine's state-run railway operator will procure rails from Nippon Steel, using Japanese grant aid for the first time for such a purpose since Russia's invasion, it was learned Tuesday.

Pass your Test

aims to double 155mm production by October

But hitting next years goal of 100,000 shells per month will require to approve a bill.

open fired on a crowd of Palestinians during handout

negotiators release sweeping & military

After months of talks, Senate negotiators on Sunday released a sweeping border deal that is aimed at discouraging migrants from crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
The $118B also includes billions of dollars in funding for Ukraine, Israel, the Indo-Pacific & humanitarian aid.

We must act on Ethiopia food crisis, says UK minister

We must act on Ethiopia food crisis, says UK minister

Schon jetzt sind die ukrainischen Staatsschulden von rund 50% der Wirtschaftsleistung zu Kriegsbeginn auf rund 90% gestiegen. Sie nehmen kontinuierlich weiter zu. So will die nur 17 Mrd. aus dem 50-Mrd.--Hilfspaket als Zuschuss vergeben 33 Mrd. erhlt die lediglich als Kredit, der frher oder spter zurckgezahlt werden muss.

The U.S. Senate unveiled a $118 billion bipartisan border security bill that would also provide aid to Ukraine and Israel following months of negotiations.

The has still not reached an agreement on an package to .
If you live in the United States, call or email your representative in Congress and tell them that if isn't stopped in Ukraine, the States, , , and are next. They're already in . Russian aggression must be curbed.
Contact your Representative, Senators, and the White House to demand that aid to Ukraine be restarted immediately.

Mansour Shouman has been missing for more than a week now after being abducted by the IDF. He is a journalist who got his family out, but remained in Gaza to report from the ground there. He's also been promoting and raising money for civilian aid. He's Canadian-Palestinian, and this petition is asking Canada to make his release a priority... if he's still alive.

"Declaration of civil servants regarding Gaza:

Recalling that:

We have the duty to respect, protect and uphold our constitutions and international and national legal obligations which our democratically elected executives have committed us to
We are expected as civil servants to respect, serve and uphold the law while implementing policies, regardless of the political parties in power that we have done so for our entire careers
We have been hired to serve, inform and advise our governments/institutions and we have demonstrated professionalism, expertise, and experience that our governments have relied on over the past decades of our service
We have internally expressed our concerns that the policies of our governments/institutions do not serve our interests and called for alternatives that would better serve national and international security, democracy and freedom reflect the core principles of western foreign policy and incorporate lessons learned
Our professional concerns were overruled by political and ideological considerations
We are obliged to do everything in our power on behalf of our countries and ourselves to not be complicit in one of the worst human catastrophes of this century and
We are obliged to warn the publics of our countries, whom we serve, and to act in concert with transnational colleagues.

We publicly reiterate our concerns that:

Israel has shown no boundaries in its military operations in which has resulted in tens of thousands of preventable civilian and that the deliberate blocking of by has led to a , putting thousands of civilians at risk of and slow death
Israel's military operations have not contributed to its goal of releasing all and is putting their well-being, lives and release at risk
Israel's military operations have disregarded all important expertise gained since 9/11 and that the operation has not contributed to Israels goal of defeating and instead has strengthened the appeal of Hamas, and other negative actors
The ongoing military operation will be detrimental not just for Israels own security but also regional stability the risk of wider wars is also negatively impacting stated security objectives of our governments
Our governments have provided the Israeli military operation with public, diplomatic and military support that this support has been given without real conditions or accountability and that when faced with humanitarian catastrophe, our governments have failed to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to blockages of necessary food/water/medicine in Gaza
Our governments current policies weaken their moral standing and undermine their ability to stand up for freedom, justice, and human rights globally and weaken our efforts to rally international support for Ukraine and to counter malign actions by Russia, China and Iran and
There is a plausible risk that our governments policies are contributing to grave violations of international , and even or .

We therefore call on our governments/institutions to:

Stop asserting to the public that there is a strategic and defensible rationale behind the Israeli operation and that supporting it is in our countries interests
Hold Israel, like all actors, accountable to international humanitarian and human rights standards applied elsewhere and to forcefully respond to attacks against civilians, as we are doing in our support to the Ukrainian people this includes demanding immediate and full implementation of the recent order of the International Court of Justice
Use all leverage available - including a halt to military support - to secure a lasting and full humanitarian access in Gaza and a safe release of all hostages and
Develop a strategy for lasting peace that includes a secure Palestinian state and guarantees for Israels security, so that an attack like 7 October and an offensive on Gaza never happen again. "

The World Bank has approved new initiatives to allow member countries hit by natural disasters and other shocks to quickly access emergency funds from their existing loan programs.

's must be stopped. Now.

Even with certain against and , more must be done to prevent Uganda's + and the it will on , writes the 's .

ministers reportedly considering limiting entering

Two ministers said to have suggested move as part of efforts to free hostages and weaken which they claim hijacks supplies

HRW said that the decision by 18 governments to suspend funding to UNRWA comes months after Israeli authorities cut off essential services, including water and electricity to Gaza.

Israeli forces are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance & razing agricultural areas.

Unless governments reverse their decisions to suspend aid to UNRWA, they risk contributing to the current catastrophe.

I was asked today why I haven't been to any support things during this time that i have been diagnosed (almost 5 years now, I think).

And I said I did try to get into them, was re-tested for what would I need help with, but my problems were hard to pin down due to them being so wide, and widely supported by my own survivalt actics, they told me they couldn't send me there.

Now I have aged out of those support things.

>> policy compromise crucial to getting military to is absolutely dead

is when wants to defeat immigration policy to deny a win (to help )

absolutely dead is WORSE than because wants to defeat ANY immigration policy to deny funding to Ukraine (to help )

is clearly interfering with US to give aid and comfort to a US enemy

Dislessia e altri disturbi di apprendimento, la sfida di valorizzare e includere

Come mai abbiamo oggi un alto numero di ragazzi con disturbi di apprendimento, nella lettura, nella scrittura, nel calcolo Ce ne sono davvero pi che in passato, o eravamo noi a non vederli, a non riconoscerli Noi insegnanti, che li bollavamo come pigri, svogliati, o addirittura stupidi. E, cos facendo, li mettevamo fuori gioco, a volte fino allabbandono

Leggi il resto:

#AID #Andis #BES #dislessia #DSA #LiceoMusco #MauroMangano #OasiDiTroina

Great to hear! Vouchers (or even better, unconditional direct cash transfers) are an important step towards decolonising international aid, trusting people to make their own choices instead of making the choices for them somewhere like Geneva or New York.

The feud between & the admin is heating up just as the presidential campaign gets underway. The issue has galvanized , some of whom are now questioning the merits of a package tied to after called it meaningless. Biden has been pushed to take a harsher stance declaring Fri that he would shut down the southern border when illegal crossings surge.

Greenes remarks bode ill for the compromise, the text of which has not yet been released. have demanded changes to the system to cut down on undocumented crossing in from , in exchange for their support for Joe s proposal to help the militaries of both & .

If the indeed rejects the compromise , its unclear how Ukraine , which is opposed by Republicans, will be approved by .

speaker of the told his lawmakers that an policy compromise under negotiation in the that is seen as crucial to getting military to & approved is absolutely dead in his chamber, CNNs Manu Raju reports.

The comment comes from lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has already rejected the measures that a group of senators are reportedly bargaining over.

Zelensky Urges Fair Allocation: Proposes European Aid for Ukrainian Refugees to Boost National Economy

UNRWA is the largest humanitarian agency in Gaza and their delivery of humanitarian assistance cannot be replaced by other agencies working in Gaza.

Some 152 UNRWA staff have already been killed and 145 UNRWA facilities damaged by bombardment since October.

Displaced Palestinians queue to receive aid in front of a UNRWA building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday AFP

Famine in Gaza is being made inevitable, says UN rapporteur

12 workers have been fired for possible involvement out of 13,000 employees.

feeds 1.2 million people a day, as well as helps distribute aid now to all Palestinians in need.

Aid needs to be restored now to help the displaced millions in Gaza.

"The people of Gaza urgently need humanitarian assistance and must not pay the price for the actions of others."

Statement by Norways minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Espen Barth Eide, on the UN Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA):

The said on Fri that it had fired several employees after being briefed on the allegations. But little was known about the accusations until the dossier was reviewed on Sun by The New York Times.

The accusations are what prompted 8 countries, including the , to suspend some payment to , as the agency is known, even as plunges in into desperate straits. >26k people have been killed there & nearly 2M displaced, according to Gazan & UN ofcls.

Japan Aid in 2024: Ukraine Gains Support in Medicine, Agriculture

Major donors pause funding to UNRWA

Japan said it is joining other countries in suspending funding to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees following Israeli charges that some UNRWA staff took part in Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.

Peter Parker, Presbyterian medical missionary to China, answers Christians opposing his work.

He says to object to missionaries helping peoples temporal ailments indicts our Savior, who taught of eternal interests & alleviated bodily sufferings.

Do we want to be on a higher plane than Jesus & Peter It is a higher plane to sit on a prayer couch & think up harsh statements

How can we follow Jesus & Parker in both

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, has said that states that cut funding to UNRWA could be violating their obligations under the Genocide Convention.

British politician Jeremy Corbyn has called the UKs decision to suspend UNRWA assistance an act of collective punishment against the people of Gaza.

"Yesterday, the ICJ found a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza.

Today, the UK has joined others in suspending funding to UNRWA.

This is collective punishment our government should be ashamed of its moral depravity toward Palestinians starving to death."

"Nine countries suspend funding to UNRWA in the middle of a war as humanitarian needs for people in deepen. It is indeed a stain on humanity.

Juliette Touma

"Israel says it will stop UNRWA from operating in Gaza after war"

"Israel's foreign ministry says it will stop UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, from operating in Gaza once the war between Israel and Hamas ends.
Israel has accused several UNRWA staff of being involved in Hamas Oct. 7 terror attack, which killed hundreds and sparked the war."

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Strolling down the memory lane of a town too tough to die, where every dust swirl carries echoes of spurs and every shadow has a story.

Fire On Seeking