Impeding aid to Gaza may be

Impeding aid to Gaza may be a crime - ICC prosecutor

"The court has been investigating in the occupied Palestinian territories since 2021, looking into possible war crimes and crimes against humanity there from 2014 onwards."


Mirnaelhelbawi on Twitter has created one central place for people sending QR codes for their ESims :

This is working!

(They are freely passed on & first priority is to , , workers, etc.)

Her efforts also made The New York Times!

You lovely people! Keep it going!

Wael Abo Omar, a spox for Gazas border crossing, said that 33 aid trucks carrying water, food & medicine entered Gaza from today, bringing the total to 117 trucks since was first allowed into on Oct. 21.



Lovely Twitter & IG Peeps, if you can connect w this person to help or at least spread the word, please do!

To get around issues, they are looking for ESims (NOT $$) to give to , , workers, etc

Asking for Euro, but , , , are sending too!


Twitter journalist involved & w open DMs & email


Bernie Sanders

The humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire, and getting worse by the minute, Sanders wrote on X. Israel must obey international law and allow innocent men, women, and children the food, water, medical supplies, and fuel that is desperately needed. NOW.

said on Saturday that 's will support links in with "internationally recognized organizations", prompting 's communication minister to say would fight the move.


Pass your Test

Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of , says his satellite communications network will be used to support international agencies facing a in Mr Musk made the offer on his X platform after agencies said they were struggling to contact their teams inside Gaza because most communication networks were cut overnight. Access to Starlink has (initially) played a vital role in s war effort.

says will support connectivity to organizations in

Several intl orgs & agencies expressed their concern for colleagues in , after losing contact as a result of the communications . for WaPo & other outlets said they had lost contact w/ inside Gaza.
The families of Israeli held in the Gaza Strip have expressed fear for the fate of their relatives amid s ops, & frustration they have not been kept informed. Gallant said he would meet them on Sun.

"As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies"

"Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza."

The supports pauses for stuff getting in, as well as for people getting out, spox said Fri.

He said the US continues to push for more to reach & added should be delivered & restored to Gaza. cut the power supply when it announced a & hasnt allowed fuel in aid deliveries. are running out of fuel, which they are using to power generators in the absence of .

" is not only the ultra-right supporter who always voted against to and made corresponding statements that were considered to be anti-Ukrainian.
""Where Ukraine is concerned, it's sufficient to look at his's ratings with his respect to his support of Ukraine. His rating is very poor. This means that all of this suits us well."
The propagandist cheered.

Satterfield said his work is focusing on two key issues: increasing deliveries (including ) into , as well as establishing a securing mechanism for & their families to leave the territory.

The catastrophic conditions facing hundreds of thousands of in Gaza risk getting worse still, as dwindling fuel supplies threaten food & humanitarian operations, the World Food Program said in a stmnt Fri.

The Red Crescent Society said it received 10 trucks in on Fri through the border crossing, 6 for the & 4 from the Egyptian Red Crescent. It said the trucks carried & supplies but no , which has blocked from entering. The ICRC said earlier that entered alongside the trucks.

"It pains me that humanitarian aid, a very basic right for people, is constantly questioned while at the same time despair is live streamed."

Our aid operation is crumbling and for the first time ever, my colleagues report now that people are hungry. Civil order is collapsing and anger starts to channel towards my colleagues how long can we last I dont know, but certainly no more than a few days.

Philippe Lazzarini

Humanitarian aid

We should avoid conveying the message that a few trucks a day means the siege is lifted for humanitarian aid this is not true. The current system in place is geared to fail. What is needed is meaningful and uninterrupted aid flow and to succeed we need a humanitarian ceasefire to ensure this reaches those in need. This should not be too much to ask for.

Philippe Lazzarini

France Deploys One LHD, Two Frigates to the Eastern Mediterranean

The French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD Tonnerre departed its home port of Toulon yesterday. The vessel is now en route to the Eastern Mediterranean, an area where naval vessel presence is getting increasingly busy...

"there are at least 3 NH90TTH, 2 Super Puma or Cougar and one Tiger helicopters aboard Tonnerre"

song is kind of relevant for civil war but generally relevant for all wars to those guilty: please stop killing innocent civilians/innocent children. It is super rotten we need a better way to resolve differences and navigate demand


"Military aid" is an oxymoron. Discuss.

has also called for more oversight of the sent to totaling >$60B to date. In Feb, following a House Armed Services Cmte hearing on the topic, he tweeted that American taxpayers deserve to know if the Ukrainian govt is being entirely forthcoming & transparent about the use of this massive sum of taxpayer resources.

, who serves on the Armed Srvcs Cmte, was 1 / 57 lawmakers all who voted against a May $39.8B package for .

explained his opposition by saying that the should not be sending another $40B abroad when our own is in chaos, American mothers are struggling to find baby formula, gas prices are at record highs, & American families are struggling to make ends meet, w/o sufficient oversight over where the money will go.

We need to stabilise a safe and fully operational humanitarian corridor in .

For this purpose it's essential to establish warranties on the humanitarian aid entering and on the final destination, ensuring that only civilians have access to the supplies.

With a trickle of aid flowing into the besieged Gaza Strip from Egypt, humanitarian staff and diplomats face a web of political, security and logistical obstacles as they try to build up and sustain deliveries of relief.

Gaza Aid Efforts Near Collapse, Hospitals Close as Israeli AirstrikesIntensify

Those who desire desire fed.

O Israel, how can you be so cruel
To warn the people of Gaza, your rule
No aid, no hope, no way
To battle the coming dismay
Your threats, they leave us feeling so fooled

Refusal to allow aid into Gaza is a war crime

The refusal to allow aid into Gaza is a war crime. It is collectively punishing civilians for the actions of fighters. And because nearly half of the people in Gaza are children, it is collectively punishing children for the actions of adult fighters.

Sari Bashi, HRW programme director


Refusal to allow aid into Gaza is a war crime

The fact that Hamas fighters committed war crimes against Israeli civilians does not justify the Israeli authorities committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians and that is what we are seeing right now, Sari Bashi, HRW programme director said.

You must not do with what you can do with OPEC+.

2 were released by on Fri, w/no assurances there would be others. Sat AM, 20 trucks were allowed to cross from into , while the said it would take much more to make a difference for now w/o , , or for nearly 2 wks. Another 14 trucks entered late Sun.

None of the 400 American citizens inside Gaza, along w/other & millions of , have been allowed to leave.

After his return, it was unclear how much had been accomplished. On Thurs night, addressed the nation, performing the now-familiar balancing act between unwavering support for & commitment to help the . He said he was asking for an extra $106B in supplemental , for & for & .

Also & were worried about increasing calls from some, inclg a few US lawmakers, that the solutionlay in resettling Gazans permanently in & .

Amid this swirl of & late Tues, left for . He hoped to solidify & come home w/the details of s agreement that, at a min, would allow hundreds of -laden trucks waiting in entry into , w/mutual assurances they wouldnt carry goods for or fear Israeli airstrikes.

pres was returning to the , for 3 days of mourning. , whose agreement was needed to secure to thru the only crossing, wasnt coming. In , a close that had its own issues w/a massive population, the demonstrations were growing amid charges an Israeli airstrike had hit the hospital.
Welcoming the president to Amman, it was decided, wasnt a good look for the Jordanian govt at this time.

As Mon night bled into early Tues, Israeli & US ofcls inclg sat in separate rms & passed papers between as they over the establishment of a for in & getting inside. The issue consumed the better part of 7hrs.

On Tues, s itinerary was thrown into jeopardy by reports that hundreds of civilians were killed in an explosion at .

By evening, US ofcls said that by mutual agreement stop in was off.

A spox for the border crossing at the -run interior ministry, confirmed that 14 trucks had arrived on the side from . The trucks crossed the border 10:20PM local time per the .

spoke w/PM of Sun, to affirm that critical would cont to flow into . The ldrs discussed ongoing efforts to free Hamas , inclg citizens, & providing for all civilians to leave Gaza.

ofcls said more from the entered on Sun night at the request of the admin. The included , & equipment, acc/to a stmnt from , an Israeli agency that manages aspects of the . All of the equipment was inspected by Israeli security personnel before it was brought into Gaza.

So much for the wild cacophony of 'genocide' screams in mainstream media.

"Biden and Netanyahu agree to continue flow of aid into Gaza, White House says"

"'The leaders affirmed that there will now be continued flow of this critical assistance into Gaza,' said the White House readout of the call."

Folks are asking for donations to help people in a hostile refugee camp in Kenya: