Distributing entails more than just simply

Distributing entails more than just simply bringing in trucks into the Gaza Strip.

Humanitarian assistance is a really complex echo system of activities that we need to legitimise throughout that whole chain. It is not just about crossing the border it is about moving supplies around the border, its about having humanitarian workers who are safe, able to treat people, able to distribute food safely and to be able themselves to have somewhere to live."
Doctors Without Borders

*Last week of the month*

$40/700 so far

(Ty to everyone who donated and shared so far )
No vehicle. No bus. Rely on friends and Lyft.
Bad HVAC and insulation.
Bad electrical outlets.
Bad plumbing.
Bad roof.
Water damaged floors.
Mom's unable to help recovering from chemo and radiation.
Waiting on SSI.
Need food delivery.

Still need to pay for

transit - $200 a month
medications - $100 a month
medical masks - $50 a month
home supplies - $50 a month
braces - $7000
transition -

Anything helps. Please boost / share

Our analysis of reported data identifies at least 80 separate attacks by on in since January. The frequency and widespread nature of these attacks suggests that Israel is systematically targeting aid. Reports indicate at least 37 attacks on civilians seeking aid, all near the Israeli-controlled checkpoints on Salah al-Din Street and al-Rashid Street.

How to rationalize and defend a :

Some think they "must" , destroying food & medical supplies, because starving civilians in would surely bring hostages home.

We would prefer that we dont have to do the blockages, honestly, Ariel said.

I dont like ransacking things. Its not one of my favourite hobbies. But we prefer that to the death of our friends and family, which is what happens the longer this war drags on."

What is also being ignored is the of - not just but also their deliberate attack on when was about to enter - but also that the Hamas leadership is wanted as well...

is the shortest path from to Coughlan.

"Pentagon: Over 1 million pounds of aid reaches Gaza via U.S. pier"

Yes, the same pier that some Gazans tried to stop from being built:


As a part of the $95B aid bills, authorized $60.8B worth of various forms of to , including $8B worth of presidential drawdown authority items.

While the package mainly includes munitions, it also includes vehicles that are designed to recover disabled tanks & other heavy equipment from the battlefield, a sign that the expects attacks & equipment losses to continue.

The is preparing a $275M package for , which will include 155mm artillery shells, precision aerial munitions & ground vehicles.

The weapons aid, which could be announced as soon as Fri, will utilize Presidential Drawdown Authority, which authorizes the president to transfer articles & services from US stocks w/o specific congressional approval during an emergency.

is an amateur, is a pro.

Because Hamas controls the global narrative through its propaganda operatives, photographers, journalists, freelancers tightly entrenched in AP, Reuters, UPI, and other global media giants that provide all the news for lower satellite agencies.

"Why Wont Media Give a Platform to Gazans Who Oppose Hamas"

"Hamas isnt only Israels problem. Many Gazans are angry at being sacrificed by a terrorist organization that steals their aid"

"Gaza aid pier mission involving US troops is off to a chaotic start"

Hey creatures i am in a tight spot financially since ive been thrown out of my parents house recently and am gonna have to ask for some financial support if possible every little bit is appreciated and please just donate if you can actually allow yourself to do that.

Via & for

Exclusive: Members of s security forces are tipping off to the location of trucks delivering supplies to , enabling the groups to block & vandalise the convoys.


Individual members of s security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of delivering vital supplies to , enabling the groups to block and the , according to multiple sources

The claim of collusion by members of the security forces is supported by messages from internal internet chat groups reviewed by the Guardian as well as accounts from a number of witnesses and human rights activists

The has suspended food distribution in the southern city of due to lack of supplies and insecurity.

It also said no trucks have entered the territory in the past two days via a floating pier set up by the US for sea deliveries, and warned that the $320m project may fail unless starts providing the conditions the humanitarian groups need to operate safely.

"Israeli soldiers and police tipping off groups that attack Gaza aid trucks" ...
"Individual members of Israels security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of trucks delivering vital supplies to , enabling the groups to block and vandalise the convoys, according to multiple sources.

intercepting the vital supplies to the strip are receiving information about the location of the aid trucks from members of the Israeli police and military, a spokesperson from the main Israeli activist group behind the blockades told the .

The claim of collusion by members of the security forces is supported by messages from internal internet chat groups reviewed by the Guardian as well as accounts from a number of witnesses and human rights activists."

A food truck sits abandoned near the entrance to the Kerem Shalom border crossing on May 17 Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

50 from 's - at the .

, , , and outside the on Saturday, May 10, to what the group said was the 's to .

The Israeli forces have prevented 3,000 aid trucks from entering Gaza in the past two weeks, according to a statement by the Gaza media office.

The office said in a statement on Telegram that the army has also prevented 690 sick and wounded people from travelling abroad for treatment as the Rafah and Kerem Shalom crossings stay closed for the 13th day in a row.

ask who attacked and thus prevented from coming in...

Tjo, Handy & Token Verknpfung gescheitert bei Nichts mit neuem yubiko Token frs Finanzonline heuer.

Fido Token Verknpfung ist wohl am SP gescheitert. Rote Box mit Session-ID, Support Bot kennt sich nicht aus und hilft mir nicht. Frust bei mir! Handy-Verknpfung nicht besser -QR-Code Scan fehlgeschlagen, da vom dummen User (mir) im Digitalen Amt nicht auffindbar. Fail 2.

Bleibts' dann bei SMS Token... Uff. Da war ich mit der Handysignatur schon mal weiter.

More good news for Gaza's Hamas terrorist government.

"Austria says will resume funding to UNRWA, but a lot of trust has been squandered"

"Vienna says it analyzed refugee agencys action plan after Israeli allegations of employees involvement on Oct. 7 says some cash will go to improve internal control mechanisms"

Medical Workers Evacuated From Gaza, but 3 Americans Refuse to Leave

The State Department Says Israel Isnt Blocking Aid. Videos Show the Opposite.

No let-up in Israeli attacks on Jabalia, Rafah

The Israeli military is still operating aggressively in the north of Gaza with large-scale air strikes and attacks. That includes the Jabalia refugee camp where attacks are ongoing.

In Rafah city, the Israeli military is pushing deeper into the central parts with overnight attacks on residential homes in Barbara refugee camp.


Speaking about bizarre:

20240518 - unknown place - Ultra-Orthodox female settler blocked aid from going into while holding her baby

The hospital system in Gaza has all but collapsed. We have paediatricians in field hospitals in Gaza who said that they are seeing cases of malnutrition. They are seeing hepatitis, jaundice, gastroenteritis. These are horrific challenges facing children. And we just do not have supplies or enough personnel to deal with this.

Alexandra Saieh, head of humanitarian policy and advocacy at Save the Children International

"There are 100s of trucks of aid NOW still waiting at the border for Israel to allow them in."

Alexandra Saieh, head of humanitarian policy and advocacy at Save the Children International

"All of the predictions about the consequences of an operation in Rafah are coming true.

There is almost no food left and humanitarian efforts are stuck.

The world has lost its way and needs to return to the norms we created."

Martin Griffiths, the UNs undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs

"Aid delivery begins in Gaza through US military pier
The UN World Food "

"Programme will have a handful of staff stationed near the pier to coordinate distribution of the aid - using contractors - throughout Gaza, said a UN official said."

Reading about the US Trident Pier built to help Gaza get supplies.

"Blinken announces upcoming $2 billion tranche of military aid for Ukraine "

Since yesterday, as much as 500 tons of aid have rolled into Gaza across a newly constructed floating pier installed by the US military to deliver food and supplies to UN humanitarian groups while keeping US and foreign troops from actually crossing onto Palestinian land.

William Beveridge, Anglican minister, writes on serving God alone. Thus, he talks of serving the poor. Because God promised to provide for the poor, and says what done to them is to Him, then it is testimony to His honor and faithfulness.

This is simply Matthew 25. Do we seek to honor God and seek honor for him all the while being conscientious objectors to his commands

Who can you help today

Biden So Colorblind, He Fails to See His Own Red Lines

Barbaric: lorry drivers recount attack on convoy

escorting convoy accused of doing nothing to stop widely condemned incident'

A group of 20 prominent human rights organisations has issued a statement denouncing the failure of world leaders to act even as Israels invasion of Rafah worsens the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

The statement said third countries have the responsibility to urgently act in bringing to an end, and pursue accountability for the grave breaches of international humanitarian law taking place in Gaza.