And now shipments are turning back

And now shipments are turning back before reaching :

achieved its objective when committing of the workers. The continues with the support of western powers, and aid organisations are pausing efforts while concerned for the safety of their staff, further exacerbating the situation.

And still pushes more weapons to the aggressor.

A loccasion de la de l -Fitr qui approche grands pas, les avaient lhabitude, dans le pass, de retrousser leurs manches et de confectionner des partager en famille et entre amis et pater les convives et voisins.

Frankcom built her life around helping others.

Food is not just calories, she told a gathering of donors to her aid agency, World Central Kitchen, in a speech last year. Its hope, its love, its knowing people care.

Japan resumes funding to embattled Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA

Seven people working for food charity World Central Kitchen have been killed in an strike in

Those who died were Australian, Polish, British, Palestinian, along with a dual -Canadian citizen

Australian worker Lalzawmi "Zomi" Frankcom is among the dead - 's PM has said he expects "full accountability"

A Palestinian medical source told the the workers had been wearing bullet-proof vests bearing the 's logo

Post On seven aid workers, including on Briton, being killed in an airstrike in Gaza

The killed 7 workers of "World Central Kitchen" in a targeted attack.


its aid workers were traveling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the charitys logo as well as a soft skin vehicle.

Despite coordinating movements with the IDF, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the Deir al-Balah warehouse, where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of brought to on the maritime route, the group said

WCK was operating more than 60 kitchens in central and southern Gaza, cooking hundreds of thousands of meals each day.

Under international humanitarian law, if there is a deliberate targeting of any civilian, including humanitarian relief workers, thats a war crime. If there is a targeting of a military objective, which causes excessive civilian casualties in the area, that would be a war crime. Or if it is an indiscriminate attack.

Professor Ben Saul, UN special rapporteur on protecting human rights while countering terrorism

World Central Kitchen statement

This is not only an attack against WCK, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. This is unforgivable, said World Central Kitchen CEO Erin Gore.

The seven killed are from Australia, Poland, United Kingdom, a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, and Palestine.

The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon. No more innocent lives lost. Peace starts with our shared humanity. It needs to start now.

Jose Andres, the founder of the World Central Kitchen

Bloodstained passports

The bloodstained passports of three foreign nationals shown in a video shared on social media.

Zomi Francom

Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom after she died in an Israeli air strike while providing food assistance in Gaza.

Frankcoms LinkedIn page says she had worked for World Central Kitchen the Washington-based charity founded by star chef Jose Andres since 2019


Zomi Frankcom, an Australian aid worker who was killed in an IDF attack in Gaza.

Australian PM Anthony Albanese says the death of an Australian aid worker in Gaza is completely unacceptable and beyond any reasonable circumstances, saying the government will call in the Israeli ambassador and contact Israels government.

Albanese says the government is demanding full accountability over the death.

Five aid workers with the World Central Kitchen (WCK) were killed in an Israeli air strike following the delivery of food relief in central Gaza: a Palestinian, Polish, British and Australian, and a fifth body is unrecognisable because it was severely injured.

Biden's spokes people keep saying they can't find evidence that Izzy is blocking aid. Here is a documentary showing settlers blocking the border and not allowing aid through, and talking about how the IDF has supported them--even locking the gates so the settlers could relax and enjoy the food and candy the IDF gave them. Outside of this documentary, I've seen this same type of footage so much I have lost count--but the White House finds evidence of this somehow elusive. While you're watching it with your own eyes, Matt Miller is there to tell you it's not happening. It's 1984.

And settler after settler saying the goal is to starve all of them to death... yeah, that doesn't sound like collective punishment, right And again--the IDF locked the gates for their cause.

is reaching proportions in southern Africa. Both and have declared a state of disaster, and may soon do the same. agencies estimate that up to 20 million people in the region will require food aid in the coming months.

lodges proposal with for dismantling of relief agency

Exclusive: officials warn that transferring s functions to other bodies with looming would be disastrous

Just sent 1000 euros through Amnesty for Gaza aid. Any motherf****r stopping my aid truck from reaching there

Harry Burton on political cartoon gallery in London

Gazans watch the skies to spot planes droppingaid

The BBC boards a US aid flight as air drops increasingly become the last resort for foreign governments.

Please send this message far and wide. Mari, , who I have known online for more than six years, and the last six saw her falling off her activism as her large Twitter account got suspended for no good reason. (currently at wordglass )
The small sum she asks for in this thread is second to the fact her body of work deserves your attention and your boosting. In this fediverse, it might be possible for her work to finally be replatformed, but only with your help.

Thank you.

Tell to ' ' as .

"Israels restriction of this aid and 's to on this is absolutely ," wrote the six .

Le mardi 9 avril 2024 sera la fin du mois de et le mercredi sera le premier jour de et de l -Fitr, selon les calculs .

State Department Failing to Track $44Bln in US Economic Aid to Ukraine - GAO Report

State Department Fai

In early June 1940, British troops evacuated from Dunkirk, & was overrun by the . In Sept, the very month of the cmtes formation, German troops were in Paris & Edward R. Murrow was reporting from under bombardment by the . That was the moment the movement launched itself into the battle to to .

Russian ops are laying the groundwork for what could be a stronger push to support candidates who oppose aiding , or who call for pulling the back from & other alliances, US ofcls & independent researchers say.

Investigators say that firms working in the network & s agencies duplicating the tactics are using the techniques to replicate & distort legitimate sites in order to undermine to Ukraine.

The Associated Press: top orders to open more land crossings for into

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to provide immediate, unhindered delivery of aid to Gaza as part of new provisional measures issued in a genocide case brought by South Africa.

The speaker discusses Saudi Arabia's humanitarian aid to Ukraine, with five out of fifteen planes carrying 72 tons of aid enroute. The speaker ponders the Ukrainians' response to this aid, considering their historically pro-Israel stance. The speaker also touches upon the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia and Israel's involvement.

Additionally, the speaker expresses concern about the negative portrayal of Muslims, particularly Palestinians, in the media and the potential threat this could pose to Saudi Arabia. The speaker concludes by acknowledging the intricate regional interests that will shape future relations between Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Palestine.

The repetition of casualties due to air-drop operations is painful, harsh, and tragic.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine described the martyrdom of 18 Palestinian citizens due to the incorrect air-drop of aid, including 12 drownings and 6 due to stampedes, as painful, harsh, and tragic, which must be stopped immediately due to their ineffectiveness and causing the martyrdom and injury of dozens of hungry and exhausted citizens due to the occupations crimes in recent weeks.

The Front considered the repetition of casualties due to air-drop operations on citizens or houses, or due to their failure to reach everyone, or their falling into the sea or inside the occupied lands, confirms the necessity to stop this process because its results are contrary to its goals, especially since some air-drop operations are showy, or an attempt to create an alternative to land routes, and to absolve the occupation of its crimes and the starvation war it wages on our people.

The Front confirmed that the alternative to humiliating air operations is to introduce aid through all crossings, especially the Rafah crossing, and via land routes to all areas of the Strip without exception. The deliberate overlook by the international community of this essential priority means contributing to the suffering of our people and more victims due to the sterile and harmful air-drop operations.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department

#aid #gaza #palestine #pflp #westAsia

Twelve people reported drowned off a beach trying to reach drop.

Palestinian authorities say deaths resulted from attempts to recover crates that fell in water after parachutes went wrong

Deadly aid

"International law says different: that Israel has a duty, not just to open the gates, but to use all means available to it to get food and medicine to the people under its control."

Britains capability & expertise on foreign aid has been diminished since international development was merged into the Foreign Office this had undermined credibility & accountability of the UKs development power, on top of the governments cuts to the aid budget

AOC's recent statements show how she's becoming my new favorite candidate-in-waiting for President. She hasn't lost her fire but her communications seem newly pragmatic. Here's her take on -to-Israel

Destruction, lawlessness and red tape hobble aid as Gazans go hungry Reuters

U.N. officials have accused Israel of blocking humanitarian supplies to Gaza. The European Unions foreign policy chief alleged Israel was using starvation as a weapon of war. And aid agency officials say Israeli red tape is slowing the flow of trucks carrying food supplies.

is not a . Clothing swaps are not a trend. Reusing is not a trend. is not a trend.

Brilliant reminder by Samirah the Sapphic Siren, support ser work and properly cite sem:

This is the type of we are bringing to the upcoming training beginning April 2, see our previous posts to learn more & register!

"Gazas risk of famine is accelerating faster than anything weve seen this century

Everyone in Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger. Its entirely preventable."

"Gazas risk of famine is accelerating faster than anything weve seen this century

Everyone in Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger. Its entirely preventable."